mtb traiL & Trail Running routes
“A bad day on the mountain bike always beats a good day in the office.”
In January 2018 the Du Toitskloof MTB Trail had riders take on their inaugural Transbreede Ultra one-day 120km MTB event (or 60km). In March 2018 over a thousand Cape Epic riders made their marks on the same trails and in May the annual Breedekloof mountain-biking event, Gravel & Grape, passed through for the fourth consecutive year.
The Du Toitskloof MTB Trail was officially launched on 21 September 2018 and is believed to become one of the best mountain bike trails in the Western Cape.
In January 2019 the Du Toitskloof Trail Running Routes were completed and launched alongside their first Run The Vines event, which will also become an annual highlight on the Du Toitskloof outdoor calendar.
Trail Use Information
T&Cs + Payment
By purchasing your day permit on SnapScan, you acknowledge that you have read and understood our Terms and Conditions .
Use at own risk.
For riders - no helmet, no ride.
Your access permit is your SnapScan receipt and must be with you at all times.
Only use the marked routes and please respect the land. The trails are built on privately owned working farms and farming operations and activities take precedence. Please comply with notices and directions by the owner’s staff.
No smoking or littering on the trails.
Take fluids with you. Mountain water becomes scarce between Nov-April.
During summer, be aware of snakes under foot in montane areas.
Be prepared to get wet in winter months; mountain streams are abundant.
How much does it cost to ride? R30 for a Day Pass.
Where and how do I pay? Scan the SnapScan barcode on the Du Toitskloof MTB Trail Info Board at the start of the route.
How long is the trail? MTB Green Trail - 14.5km | MTB Red Trail - 22km
Are there changing facilities? Yes, there are Men's and Ladies Showers with unisex toilet facilities.
Do you have a bike wash? Yes, there is a dedicated area for washing your bike.